
Hi, I am Alisson Rubas
a Software Engineer

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About me

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Hey! I'm Alisson Rubas, a self-taught software engineer with a background in digital marketing. Born in Brazil, I am now residing in Boston, MA. My interest in software engineering began when I created a CMS for one of my previous employers. This experience sparked a passion for the field and motivated me to delve further into the world of software engineering.

I'm interested in Martial Arts 🥋
Rock Climbing 🧗‍♂️
Weightlifting 🏋️‍♂️
and outdoor activities 🏔

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Good Life Fit App

This is a MERN Stack application designed to assist users in finding workout ideas along with recommended equipment, through the use of GIFs and YouTube videos. Additionally, users can save their workout history, plan future workouts, and store them for later use. This app also allows users to create their own accounts.

Source Code

Chess Game

Simple and fun chess game built in React.js and styled in Tailwind. On this game you can play against the computer and also with a friend in your local machine! The game knows all the Chess' rules and it blocks all the ilegal moves and pop-up a game over message when it gets checkmate. The game also has two buttons for reset and undo for the user preference while gaming.

See Live Source Code

Personal Portfolio

This is my minimal portfolio styled in Bootstrap, Fully Responsive, with a one-page layout, and Optimized with Parcel.

See Live Source Code


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